Home Doctor of Theology
The Institute offers Doctorate in Systematic Theology, Spiritual Theology and Biblical Theology. For admission to the Doctorate course the applicant must hold a Master’s Degree (M.Th.) in first class or its equivalent in the same field of research.
The mode of commutation of any of the requirements for Doctorate with the course one has done in another ecclesiastical or secular institute or university or college shall be determined by the Syndicate, considering the merits of each case. The Syndicate shall also decide the equivalence of a degree with a degree from the Institute. The Syndicate has the right to demand from such students to attend the entire or part of the second cycle (L.Th.) with corresponding examinations, if it finds necessary for admission to the Doctorate.
I. Duration
The students are required to devote at least two years (four
semesters) to their research work, which may be extended up to five
years. The syndicate may grant further extension after examining the
merits of each case. If the research is not over on completion of the
granted period of time, the student has no right to continue as a student
of the Doctorate Course. The students are expected to spend normally
the first two years of the Doctorate in regular contact with the Institute.
The Director of the Doctoral research shall be one of the Professors
of the respective Faculty. If the candidate chooses the Director from
another Faculty, he is to be approved by the Syndicate.
1) The ancient and modern language requirement will be fixed by the
Director of the thesis according to the area of specialization.
2) The research programme under the guidance of the Director of the
Doctoral thesis during the first two semesters shall be the following:
a. Those who did L.Th. in the Pontifical Institute must do two
Faculty seminars in which the members of the Faculty and the
students of the L.Th. and Doctoral Course are present. A
summary of the seminar and some points for discussion are to
be made available to the participants of the seminar: members
of the Faculty, Doctoral Course candidates and L.Th.students.
b. Those who completed M.Th. elsewhere should do two Faculty
seminars and have two tutorials or present two research papers.
c. The student for Doctorate may be asked by the respective
department to conduct a class of an hour before a panel of
teachers on a topic related to his line of specialization, given to
him 24 hours before the time of the class.
d. The candidate shall meet his Director regularly for discussions on
the research.
e. The Director of the Doctoral Course is expected to present an
annual report of the performance of the candidate to the
III. Dissertation
1) The scheme of the topic of the dissertation has to be approved by
the Director of the thesis and a body of professors appointed by the
2) The minimum number of pages for the dissertation shall be 250 in
patent size excluding footnotes and bibliography.
3) The dissertation must be evaluated and approved by the Director
and two other Professors of the Faculty appointed by the Syndicate
before it is admitted for public defence.
4) It must be publicly defended before the college of Professors of the
Faculty. The public defence will last at least one and a half hour,
before a board of three examiners who will be the Director and two
Readers. The panel shall be chaired by the President. Four copies of
the thesis shall be presented to the Registrar of the Institute at least
two months before the date of defence.
5) If the panel of examiners is divided on giving a favourable award, a
second session may be arranged after six months, and the decision
arrived by them shall be final.
6) Competent persons from other Faculties of the Institute and from
other Faculties in India and abroad can be included in the panel of
7) The Degree of Doctor will be conferred when the dissertation or at
least a significant part of it has been published and the required number
of copies given to the Institute.